News from Ockham Parish Council November 2024
- SCC tell us this is a good time to put in requests for hedge cutting on public land. Please submit your suggestions to Surrey direct:
- The Lovelace Neighbourhood Plan (covering Ripley, Ockham and Wisley) was adopted by GBC in 2021 and within it are policies governing development, including development on undeveloped land. Most of Ockham, apart from the Former Wisley Airfield, was and remains in the Green Belt. The Parish Council examines planning applications in the context of the Neighbourhood Plan and Green Belt concerns, and has raised and will continue to raise objections where appropriate. Safeguarding local green space is essential as incursions into the Green Belt continue. If you have land and are thinking about selling, do check with your neighbours as they may well be interested in purchasing it to safeguard it from future development. Our Neighbourhood Plan and the Green Belt seek to prevent urban sprawl, to maintain our green spaces, the rural landscape and our Conservation Areas, and help protect the multiple local heritage assets of Ockham.
- We know residents, in person and virtually, attended the recent Planning Committee meeting at GBC regarding the Hallam Land. Since that meeting, OPC have sent a formal complaint to Guildford querying whether legal process was adhered to during this meeting. We know several residents have also complained. The meeting appeared to disregard the democratic process we should be able to rely on. We urge you to watch the webcast Do contact us via our Clerk for any information you may need if you too wish to complain.
- Please continue to support the fundraising efforts of WAG: Account: WISLEY AIRFIELD ACTION GROUP Sort Code: 20 35 35 Account number: 10574287. Thank you to everyone who has already donated. The Oral Hearing relating to our challenge to the Inspector’s decision re FWA takes place on Thursday 5th December at the Royal Courts of Justice/The Old Bailey in the Strand, London WC2A 2LL. The approx. 2 hour time slot to be confirmed the day before. As ever, VAWNT will very kindly send out reminders and further details to keep everyone informed, our thanks to VAWNT.
- The Wisley Lane Diversion is now operational. The width of the road only goes to highlight the huge loss of trees in this location. The Ockham side of the A3 was full of trees within protected woodland until National Highways marched in. We have flagged the lack of notification of change to the public rights of way (footpaths) with SCC.
Please contact our Parish Clerk with enquiries:
- We understand the very happy and well attended Ockham Christmas 2023 drinks party held at the Cricket Club will be back for a repeat in December. More details to come. Thanks in advance to Chloe, Becky and Jemma.