News from Ockham Parish Council July 2022
News from Ockham Parish Council
July 2022
- Cllr Sonjia Moran has set up a working party for the Memorial Garden initiative and is inviting volunteers to come forward. To join in please contact Sonjia on
- Taylor Wimpey has given notice in the Surrey Advertiser of a Planning Application on the Former Wisley Airfield expected in July 2022. The Parish Council resolved to use professional expertise to help defend the Village.
- Councillor Cross is attending a meeting this week with Surrey County Council and Guildford Borough Council to look at how traffic will be controlled during the works to the M25/A3 Junction 10 due to commence in September 2022. The Parish Council plan to invite National Highways to a meeting in the autumn, further details to follow.
- Thank you to Residents who shared with the Council their feedback on the Upton End consultation.
- Agreed a new design for the Historic road sign to depict a racing car in recognition of the old Tyrrell’s factory in Ockham. This is the final sign on order to mark the boundary of Ockham Parish.
Next Parish meeting is on Tuesday 13th September at 8pm at All Saints’ Church. Residents are welcome to attend.
Please contact the Parish Clerk with enquiries
Mrs Alyson Blackwell email: