acorns and oak leaves

Ockham Parish Councillor Vacancy – welcoming expressions of interest by 7th March

Ockham Parish Council currently has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor to be co- opted on to the Parish Council.

As a Councillor you can become a voice for your community and affect real change. Parish Councils are the most local part of the democratic system. We are particularly interested in hearing from you if you have an interest or experience in delivering projects and/or you have an interest in planning matters.

To be eligible you need to be:

  • 18 years of age an elector of the parish or
  • Resided or rented in Ockham for the past 12 months or
  • Principal place of work in the parish or
  • Live within three miles of the parish boundary

    The Parish Council Meetings are held once a month normally on the first Tuesday of the month in the evening and you would have an opportunity to contribute on matters of local interest on the Agenda. You would also be expected to progress tasks and feedback.

    We would be pleased to hear from you if you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor. Please send a brief resume outlining some background information, the skills you can offer and reason for wanting to become a Parish Councillor to

    If you would like to have a chat with someone about this voluntary role then please include your telephone number and the Chair or Vice Chair will be in contact or you may wish to attend a Parish Meeting as an observer.

    We are inviting expressions of interest by 7th March 2025.

acorns and oak leaves

News from Ockham Parish Council February 2025

  • Thursday 8th May 2025 is the 80th VE Day Anniversary. OPC would like to mark this significant date in some way so please let us have any ideas you may have via our clerk.

  • A number of people have been in touch with us about the pony in Alms Heath. Concern has been expressed about her general welfare and we have been made aware that a small local group are generously supporting her. Does anyone know the owner? If you have any information you think might be helpful, please let us know.

  • We have a vacancy on the Parish Council. Are you interested? No particular skills or experience are required, just willingness to attend our monthly PC meetings and take an interest in local affairs. Please contact our clerk for further details.

  • Our grateful thanks to Frances, OHRA Chair, for her tremendous efforts to draw attention to the appalling state of the road and floods at Old Lane and Ockham Lane at Bridge End. Frances recently met SCC Cllr Bax, Surrey’s deputy cabinet member for transport, and SCC Highways officer Colin and gave them a thorough tour where she pointed out every pothole, the crumbling road surface and the flooding. Our GBC Cllr Oven and SCC Cllr Booth also attended in support. Let’s hope SCC now actually do something about all the issues. We are hopeful and we are already aware that Cllr Booth is pushing hard for a full resurface of Old Lane.

  • We have been provided with a grant to replace some of the fencing at the Memorial Garden. This work will be carried out over the next few weeks. Do go and enjoy the spring bulbs there as the weather improves. It’s a lovely space for quiet reflection.

  • No doubt you have heard the formal announcement that the National Highways M25J10 A3 project has been delayed to spring 2026. Another year of disruption for Ockham ahead. We note that press reports have not mentioned the inevitable increase in cost of this publicly funded project. There are more M25 and A3 full weekend closures coming up. The first is weekend 22/23 February. Keep an eye out for the OHRA updates on the closures.

Please contact our Parish Clerk with enquiries:

acorns and oak leaves

News from Ockham Parish Council January 2025

  • Our grateful thanks to Cllr Jan Lofthouse for her 10 years of loyal service to Ockham Parish Council. Jan has been very involved with every aspect of village life during her years in Ockham and she will be much missed by us all. We wish Jan all the very best for the future. Jan’s departure leaves a vacancy on the PC and so we will soon be looking for a new councillor. Details to come.
  • We are pleased to advise that the Vehicle Activated Signs in Ockham Lane and on Ockham Road North have now been reinstalled as has the fallen Historic Ockham sign on Ockham Road North.
  • With a full A3 closure this weekend (pm of 17/1 to am of 20/1), we have written to National Highways asking them for support ensuring that drivers follow their prescribed routes and don’t short cut through our village. We hope they will fulfill our request for additional signage to help keep residents and local users safe from harm and disruption.
  • The next Flood Forum takes place later this month and Ockham has a list of concerns on the agenda. If you have flood related issues that you would like us to raise, please contact us via our clerk.
  • OPC wrote to Guildford Borough Council following the Planning Committee meeting on October 24 re the Hallam Land. We have now received their response which is available on request from our clerk if you would like to see it.
  • Taylor Wimpey are hosting a ‘by invitation only’ meeting as a Community Liaison initiative later this week. Representatives from OPC will attend.

We are seeking support from the community to help us monitor the applications that are coming forward under ‘reserved matters’ for FWA. Whilst outline planning consent for FWA has unfortunately been granted, many aspects of the scheme are not yet agreed and we will push back where we can. The heating hub/pumping station and SANG buildings applications are both currently live on the GBC planning portal. Help with reading and reviewing documents is always welcomed. If you think you can help, please let our clerk know.

Many of you have generously donated to Wisley Action Group in the past. Fund raising continues as this will pay for professional help as required bearing in mind that the build programme for FWA will last for very many years. Account: WISLEY AIRFIELD ACTION GROUP Sort Code: 20 35 35 Account number: 10574287. Thank you to everyone who has already donated and for continued support.

Please contact our Parish Clerk with enquiries:

acorns and oak leaves

News from Ockham Parish Council December 2024

Despite all our opposition efforts and arguments, the Oral Hearing held last week at the High Court re the development of the Former Wisley Airfield, failed to change the Inspector’s decision. Whilst we wait for the written ruling from the Judge, we wish to thank everyone who has supported us in this long and valiant fight. It has been challenging in myriad ways but the constancy of the local and wider community to safeguard our local area from development for the very many good reasons stated multiple times (lack of infrastructure: inadequate road capacity, education, health, foul water. Harm to ecology, the environment, air quality) has never faltered and we thank you all.

• OPC wish to join and use social media! Please watch out for further news.

• You may have noticed that some of our Historic Ockham village signs need attention as several are askew and one is currently missing. Remedial work has been commissioned. The Vehicle Activated Signs on Ockham Lane and Ockham Road North are also due to be reinstalled.

• Do go over to Ockham Common over the Christmas period if you have time. Frances from OHRA, together with a team of volunteers, has decorated the tree that leads up to the Semaphore Tower. It is a sparking Christmassy uplift and there are QR code links provided for donations to The Dogs Trust and Surrey Wildlife Trust. Great job Frances and team!

• Christmas Drinks are being held at the Cricket Club from 5 to 7 on Sunday 15th December. Hosted by Chloe, Becky and Jemma this is a chance to meet up with neighbours and friends for some Christmas cheer. Please take a bottle and enjoy!

Ockham Parish Council wish you all a very happy Christmas and we thank you for your support this year

Please contact our Parish Clerk with enquiries:

acorns and oak leaves

Ockham Historic Signs – update

The Parish Council are aware that along Ockham Road North, one of our Historic Signs is missing at Alms Heath and one is loose further towards the roundabout beyond Guileshill Lane.

Both signs have been knocked, possibly by one of the very many HGVs that use Ockham Road North, and one had fallen completely so it has been rescued by the Parish
Council. Both signs will be discussed at December’s Parish Council meeting and attended to as appropriate during December when we have an operative coming out on our

behalf. During December, our Vehicle Activated Signs on Ockham Road North and Ockham Lane will be reinstated following repair work due to damage sustained in the summer.

acorns and oak leaves

News from Ockham Parish Council November 2024

  • SCC tell us this is a good time to put in requests for hedge cutting on public land. Please submit your suggestions to Surrey direct:
  • The Lovelace Neighbourhood Plan (covering Ripley, Ockham and Wisley) was adopted by GBC in 2021 and within it are policies governing development, including development on undeveloped land. Most of Ockham, apart from the Former Wisley Airfield, was and remains in the Green Belt. The Parish Council examines planning applications in the context of the Neighbourhood Plan and Green Belt concerns, and has raised and will continue to raise objections where appropriate. Safeguarding local green space is essential as incursions into the Green Belt continue. If you have land and are thinking about selling, do check with your neighbours as they may well be interested in purchasing it to safeguard it from future development. Our Neighbourhood Plan and the Green Belt seek to prevent urban sprawl, to maintain our green spaces, the rural landscape and our Conservation Areas, and help protect the multiple local heritage assets of Ockham.
  • We know residents, in person and virtually, attended the recent Planning Committee meeting at GBC regarding the Hallam Land. Since that meeting, OPC have sent a formal complaint to Guildford querying whether legal process was adhered to during this meeting. We know several residents have also complained. The meeting appeared to disregard the democratic process we should be able to rely on. We urge you to watch the webcast Do contact us via our Clerk for any information you may need if you too wish to complain.
  • Please continue to support the fundraising efforts of WAG: Account: WISLEY AIRFIELD ACTION GROUP Sort Code: 20 35 35 Account number: 10574287. Thank you to everyone who has already donated. The Oral Hearing relating to our challenge to the Inspector’s decision re FWA takes place on Thursday 5th December at the Royal Courts of Justice/The Old Bailey in the Strand, London WC2A 2LL. The approx. 2 hour time slot to be confirmed the day before. As ever, VAWNT will very kindly send out reminders and further details to keep everyone informed, our thanks to VAWNT.
  • The Wisley Lane Diversion is now operational. The width of the road only goes to highlight the huge loss of trees in this location. The Ockham side of the A3 was full of trees within protected woodland until National Highways marched in. We have flagged the lack of notification of change to the public rights of way (footpaths) with SCC.

    Please contact our Parish Clerk with enquiries:

  • We understand the very happy and well attended Ockham Christmas 2023 drinks party held at the Cricket Club will be back for a repeat in December. More details to come. Thanks in advance to Chloe, Becky and Jemma.
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News from Ockham Parish Council October 2024

  • The ongoing action regarding the Planning Inspector’s decision for the Former Wisley Airfield is ongoing and there will be an Oral Hearing on 5th December. This will be a short hearing of approx 2 hours held at the Royal Courts of Justice/the Old Bailey in the Strand, Westminster, WC2A 2LL.

    The community are welcome to attend in person, although no one will be able to give evidence or speak. The time of the hearing will be published in the Cause List the day before the hearing (available on line from 2.30pm that day). Daily Cause List:
    If you plan to attend please contact our clerk – email as below.

  • Wisley Action Group continue to fund raise to meet the legal costs relating to the above. Please donate generously if you can. Account: WISLEY AIRFIELD ACTION GROUP Sort Code: 20 35 35 Account number: 10574287
    Thank you to everyone who has already donated.
  • The Annual Remembrance Sunday service will be held at the War Memorial at 10.30 am on Sunday 10th November. All are welcome to attend. Let’s hope for fine weather!
  • We continue to seek volunteers to join our Speed Watch group. If you feel you can give up a short amount of time now and then to participate, please contact for further details.
  • OPC have been invited to participate in a meeting about the Public Rights of Way later this month. Please ensure you report any concerns you have on the SCC website leisure/countryside/management/footpaths-byways-and-bridleways/report-a- problem then make a note of the case number and forward it with brief details to who will raise it at the meeting.
  • For updated information about burial charges at All Saints’ Ockham please refer to our website

    Please contact our Parish Clerk with enquiries:

acorns and oak leaves

News from Ockham Parish Council September 2024

  • Traffic issues in Ockham continue to dominate with speeding vehicles ignoring the prescribed diversion routes and restrictions and using our local roads to avoid the National Highways generated delays. A local resident has generously stepped in and offered their help as we work to try and garner support from National Highways, the Police, our new MP, SCC and others. We have suggested that the resident sets up a petition to focus the statutory agencies on addressing the issues. If you are willing to help with this please let us know via our clerk: .We hope that all residents will sign the petition and support this campaign. We want to keep our local roads safe. Do remember that you can contact NH with your direct queries by emailing them on
  • Wisley Action Group continue to fund raise to meet the costs of the S.288 Review of the Planning Inspector’s decision to allow the Taylor Wimpey application for FWA. Legal action is expensive, please continue to spread the word and donate generously if you can. Account: WISLEY AIRFIELD ACTION GROUP Sort Code: 20 35 35 Account number: 10574287

    Thank you to everyone who has already donated.

  • The next 8 Parishes Flood Forum will take place on Friday 20th September from 10 – 12 noon at East Horsley Village Hall. This is a public meeting so all are welcome to attend and observe. We will be discussing local flooding issues with the statutory bodies, such as SCC, in attendance.
  • Although the S.288 Review of the Planning Inspector’s decision to allow the TW application for FWA is pending, GBC advise that they are nevertheless obliged to seek to deliver the scheme. Consequently, Design Code meetings are currently taking place and we attended a meeting organised by GBC on Monday 9th September. We repeatedly asked about consultation with the local community as we believe this is critical. We would like to set up a working group to consider any information shared with us as part of local consultation. Are you interested? Could you help please? We feel it is important to be involved in all discussion and share local views. If you would like to join our working group, please email

    Please contact our Parish Clerk with enquiries:

acorns and oak leaves

News from Ockham Parish Council July 2024

  • Wisley Action Group continue to fund raise to meet the costs of the S.288 Review of the Planning Inspector’s decision to allow the Taylor Wimpey application for FWA. Legal action is expensive, please continue to spread the word and donate generously if you can. Account: WISLEY AIRFIELD ACTION GROUP Sort Code: 20 35 35 Account number: 10574287

    Thank you to everyone who has already donated.

  • Do remember that the M25 J10 J11 is closed in both directions from 9 pm on Friday 12th July to 6 am on Monday 15th July. Local roads will be busier as a result.
  • National Highways attended our July Parish Council meeting. We were given an overview of the project as a whole by Jonathan Wade, the project manager for the scheme, who reiterated that the bulk of the work is still due to be completed in summer 2025. We stressed our concern about the many local issues relating to the NH works but particularly the huge number of vehicles displaced by the roadworks and therefore using Ockham Road North, Ockham Lane and Old Lane. We asked NH for their suggestions to reduce the volume of traffic diverting on our local Ockham roads. This matter has been raised at various times before but recently in person on 18th June, in writing on 21st June and again at the PC meeting on 9th July. It was disappointing that we were told by Mr Wade that it was not a priority although he did promise to think about it. We will keep pressing forward on this.

    Do remember that you can contact NH with your direct queries by emailing them on

  • For your forward planning, NH have told us: the B2039 Ockham Road North is planned to be closed to all northbound traffic at its junction with the Ockham Park Roundabout. The closure is for Affinity water main works and to alter the approach to the roundabout, and will extend over a distance of about 1⁄3 km. This closure is planned to come into effect on 22nd July and remain in place for 9 weeks until 20th September. It will be possible to leave Ockham Park Roundabout heading south towards Ockham and Horsley but not travel in the opposite direction.

    The Parish Council don’t hold a regular monthly meeting during August although as ever, we will be continuing behind the scenes. We hope for happy summer weeks ahead for all.

Please contact our Parish Clerk with enquiries:

acorns and oak leaves

News from Ockham Parish Council June 2024



Sort Code: 20 35 35

Account number: 10574287

You will all be aware that the Planning Inspector shared her decision regarding the Appeal against Non Determination of Taylor Wimpey’s Planning Application 22/P/01175 for Former Wisley Airfield a couple of weeks ago.

The decision was received with huge dismay by the community who have battled long and tirelessly to prevent the construction of a huge development in this unsustainable location where the infrastructure (schools, medical provision, roads, sewage) is inadequate and great harm could be sustained by the ecology both on the site (skylarks, badgers, bats and other species) and to the Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Area that lies adjacent to the site.  Suffice to say we were disappointed by the decision as we know we presented a very strong case at the Inquiry

Like us, the experts who acted for WAG/OPC/RHS in Air Quality, Transport and Ecology have read through the decision document very carefully.  Multiple points of concern have been identified. We are currently waiting to hear back from the Barrister with his thoughts on the decision.

The Inquiry has been expensive and we are continuing to raise funds to meet the obligations that arose from the process.  Please help if you can.  If you attended the VAWNT/WAG presentation at East Horsley Village Hall on Monday 10th June you will know that every household in the area has been asked to donate £100 and for everyone to share the word widely to reach everyone in the area.  By spreading the financial shortfall between every community who will be harmed from the development, we hope we can get the bills settled.

If further action is to be taken – and we are waiting for advice from the Barrister about the potential of taking the decision to a Judicial Review – we will need substantial funds to move forward.   Please help with a donation to the Wisley Airfield Action Group (WAG) if you can.

Please contact our Parish Clerk with enquiries: