acorns and oak leaves

News from Ockham Parish Council June 2024



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Account number: 10574287

You will all be aware that the Planning Inspector shared her decision regarding the Appeal against Non Determination of Taylor Wimpey’s Planning Application 22/P/01175 for Former Wisley Airfield a couple of weeks ago.

The decision was received with huge dismay by the community who have battled long and tirelessly to prevent the construction of a huge development in this unsustainable location where the infrastructure (schools, medical provision, roads, sewage) is inadequate and great harm could be sustained by the ecology both on the site (skylarks, badgers, bats and other species) and to the Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Area that lies adjacent to the site.  Suffice to say we were disappointed by the decision as we know we presented a very strong case at the Inquiry

Like us, the experts who acted for WAG/OPC/RHS in Air Quality, Transport and Ecology have read through the decision document very carefully.  Multiple points of concern have been identified. We are currently waiting to hear back from the Barrister with his thoughts on the decision.

The Inquiry has been expensive and we are continuing to raise funds to meet the obligations that arose from the process.  Please help if you can.  If you attended the VAWNT/WAG presentation at East Horsley Village Hall on Monday 10th June you will know that every household in the area has been asked to donate £100 and for everyone to share the word widely to reach everyone in the area.  By spreading the financial shortfall between every community who will be harmed from the development, we hope we can get the bills settled.

If further action is to be taken – and we are waiting for advice from the Barrister about the potential of taking the decision to a Judicial Review – we will need substantial funds to move forward.   Please help with a donation to the Wisley Airfield Action Group (WAG) if you can.

Please contact our Parish Clerk with enquiries: