acorns and oak leaves

News from Ockham Parish Council November 2022


  • If you haven’t yet objected to Taylor Wimpey’s proposal, it is not too late. Send your objection to quoting 22/P/01175. If you need help with providing good reasons why this application will impact negatively on our village let us know or contact who will send you some pointers. GBC require that you include your name and address but your address will not be shown when your letter is published. Thank you to everyone who has already objected.


  • National Highways are underway with their upgrade work for M25J10/A3 and we are all dismayed by the huge number of trees they have felled. If you have specific observations about anything related to the work, you may want to contact National Highways on


  • We have asked Cllr Colin Cross, our GBC and SCC councillor, to secure an undertaking that when the National Highways work is completed, the construction compound at Nutberry Farm (on the Ockham Park roundabout) is returned to nature. This land is in the Green Belt and we want to ensure it cannot be brought forward for development in the future.


  • A resident alerted us of a possible Black Poplar on FWA. This is a species protected tree under English law. RHS Wisley have kindly offered to genetically identify the tree for us. We will let you know the outcome when we hear.


  • We have been sharing photographs of the floods all around Ockham, but particularly where the water has run off FWA, with Surrey County Council who are the Lead Flood Authority. We are encouraging them to object to the FWA planning application and the photographs help demonstrate how the higher ground of FWA leads to severe localised surface water floods.


  • If you spot any HGVs travelling along Old Lane and Ockham Lane, both weight restricted roads, and are able to safely take photographs, perhaps using a dashcam, please share them with Cllr Imogen Jamieson giving details of date and time. We are collating information to share with the police.


  • It is Remembrance Sunday this weekend, Sunday 13th This is a special year for Ockham as our War Memorial has been in place for 100 years. Our thanks to Cllr Sonjia Moran for coordinating the tidying and replanting work around the War Memorial. The Remembrance Sunday service is at 1045


Please contact the Parish Clerk with enquiries

Mrs Alyson Blackwell  – email: