William of Ockham

December – news update

This is a quick summary of what’s been going on with the council…we’ll be providing these updates monthly in future.

  • The Parish Council are actively encouraging Councillor Colin Cross to maintain the pressure on Guildford Borough Council to progress with their review of the Adopted Local Plan. We will keep you advised.
  • Vehicles moving in excess of the 30 mph speed restriction in Ockham are a concern for us all.  The speed awareness signs purchased by the Parish Council earlier this year are an excellent reminder to drivers to slow down.
  • We are liaising with Councillor Colin Cross and Surrey County Council (SCC) about the pavements in Ockham and have asked for these to be cleared of vegetation so they are easier for pedestrians to use safely.
  • Ockham has been offered some young trees by SCC and will be taking delivery of them early in the New Year. If you are interested in helping to plant the trees, please let us know.
  • Many of you will know that the Taylor Wimpey application for a stub road and roundabout (21/P/01582) was refused at Planning Committee earlier this month. We had sent in a detailed objection letter against the application and spoke at the Planning Committee meeting. Guildford Borough Councillors voted unanimously against this proposal.
  • Please take a moment to google Surrey County Council LCWIP (Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans) and complete their online form about cycling in and around Ockham. We are aware that local roads are narrow and dangerous for cyclists and so providing feedback will be useful.