News from Ockham Parish Council December 2022
The Parish Council have just installed another Historic Ockham sign. This one has gone up on Long Reach and depicts the 13th century 7-stepped lancet window of All Saints’ Church. Do have a look if you are passing. More Historic Ockham signs to go up soon including one showing the village connection with Tyrrells Racing Team.
• At our December meeting the Parish Council discussed our projects for 2023/24 and these will include a further Vehicle Activated Speed Awareness sign and some enhancements to the burial ground. We will be finalising our budget arrangements for 2023/24 at our January 2023 meeting so do join us then if you would like to.
• We are looking for a new Councillor to join the Parish Council. The Parish Council meet 11 times a year (we don’t meet in August!) when we discuss all sorts of aspects of village life including planning applications. We carry out projects such as the recent work at the War Memorial and take an active interest in community life. If you are interested in joining us then please contact our Clerk, Alyson on
• You may have seen the Parish Council’s response to questions received about the Land Surrounding Bridge End Farm which was shared via OHRA mailing list. Representatives acting for the owners of this land held an in person exhibition at East Horsley Village Hall on 6th December and our Chair, Dr Malcolm Aish, attended. We will shortly be responding to this exhibition in writing and we set out how we plan to reply in the document shared (if you haven’t seen it and would like to, please contact our clerk). The Land Surrounding Bridge End Farm makes up part of Allocation A35 which also includes the Taylor Wimpey owned section of Former Wisley Airfield. The Land Surrounding Bridge End Farm is also the subject of a Request for an EIA (environmental impact assessment) Scoping Opinion which the Parish Council will be responding to in the next day or so. If you want to see the details of the Request, search for 22/S/00009 on the GBC website. Please remember that there is no consent granted for any part of the FWA.
Ockham Parish Council wish everyone a very happy festive period and all the best for 2023
Please contact the Parish Clerk with enquiries
Mrs Alyson Blackwell – email: