acorns and oak leaves

News from Ockham Parish Council December 2023

  • The Parish Council have been working with volunteers on speed watch to address speeding concerns in the community to encourage drivers to observe the speed limits on our local roads. Thank you to the volunteers for helping with this initiative and welcome more volunteers to join the team, please contact the if able to help.


  • The 3 Vehicle Activated Speed signs have been checked and they are now all working. The Parish Council is looking at the speed data and has raised the issue of speeding with the Highways Team at Surrey County Council.


  • The Inquiry for the FWA is drawing to a close. We are still fundraising to help pay for all the professional expert help. A shortfall remains so if you were able to donate, it would be very much appreciated. All donations of any amount, from a few pounds upwards all help enormously. Account name: Wisley Airfield Action Group, sort code: 20 35 35, account number: 10574287 (or by cheque delivered to Helen Jefferies, Alms Heath Cottage). Very many thanks for all donations to date.


  • There are 2 planning application where the Parish Council encourages the Community to write and state any objections to Guildford Borough Council: 1.) Application no: 23/P/01607- Land East and West of Hatch Lane, Ockham GU23 6NU for up to 200 dwellings. This is the third ‘parcel’ of land that makes up Allocation A35 on the FWA. This application relies heavily on the infrastructure delivery for the Taylor Wimpey part of FWA and we have stated to GBC that we believe the application is premature and we encourage you to state this in your objections. ) Application no: 23/P/00417 – Land adjacent to Ockham Lane GU23 6NT for up to 70 new homes. We will circulate pointers for the letters via OHRA/VAWNT very shortly.


  • Residents are invited for mulled wine and mince pies to Ockham Cricket Club on 16th December 2023 from 5-7pm, organised by Becky Neish and Chloe Shepherdly. Hope that you will be able to come.


  • The Parish Councillors would like to send their Seasonal Wishes to you all for Christmas and the New Year. Dates for the Parish Meetings for 2024 will be published on the OPC website.



Please contact our Parish Clerk with enquiries: