News from Ockham Parish Council January 2024
- We were pleased to welcome Andy, one of SCCs Flood and Climate Resilience Specialists, to our January meeting. Andy stressed to us the importance of reporting all flooding. All reports are triaged so the more reports received, the greater the chance of priority.
- To report flooding to commercial property, dwellings and land: Email
- To report flooding to the highway:
- To report foul water flooding:
- Please be aware that if you have a ditch close to your home, you may be responsible for maintaining it. For details on riparian responsibility Maintenance of local ditches by those responsible can ease local flooding so please check the link above.
- The Ockham Flood Forum will soon be up and running
- All road users will have noticed the terrible of some of our local roads. Old Lane in particular is in an appalling state and we are pushing hard to get some attention from SCC to address the issues there. Please help us by reporting flood issues, potholes, crumbling edges etc to SCC using the following links (evidence in the form of photographs and/or dash cam video is useful if you have it but even if you don’t, please report regardless as we know that the volume of complaints helps to push the issue up SCCs very long list of areas needing attention!).
- Seriously large or dangerous Potholes: If you think the issue is an immediate risk to public safety please call us anytime, day or night on: 0300 200 1003 If you are calling outside of normal business hours, please hold for option 3 (for Roads and Transport) followed by option 2 (for Highway and traffic signal emergencies).
- Potholes and all other Highway Issues:
- The Inquiry for the FWA has now ended with a decision from the Inspector expected in the Spring. We are still fundraising to pay for all the professional expert help received. A significant shortfall remains so if you are able to donate, it would be very much appreciated. All donations of any amount, from a few pounds upwards all help enormously. Account name: Wisley Airfield Action Group, sort code: 20 35 35, account number: 10574287 (or by cheque delivered to Helen Jefferies, Alms Heath Cottage). Very many thanks for all donations to date.
- The Ockham Speed Watch group are doing a tremendous job and we are keen to encourage other residents to participate. If you can find a free hour or so monthly and are interested in joining the team please contact and Alyson will signpost you to the team leader, Becky.
Please contact our Parish Clerk with enquiries: