News from Ockham Parish Council June 2022
- In reply to many questions received, we will be sending some information about the Consultation for Upton End this week via OHRA. We hope this will provide you with the information you need to reply. Please note, this is not a planning application. We believe that this proposal for 70 homes should form part of a Consultation for the entire A35 Former Wisley Airfield allocation. Ockham Parish Council will be objecting to the Consultation on this basis using this email address: rather than by completing the form provided on the website.
- Surrey County Council and Guildford Borough Council Cllr Colin Cross has asked us to provide (again) a list of issues with pavements and roads within Ockham. We have a long list which includes a section of pavement by the War Memorial, Old Lane and Guileshill Lane. If you have any additions for the list we have missed, do let us know via Alyson our clerk.
- Local resident Emily Inge has set up a group ‘Ockham for Wildlife’. After a brain storming session at our last Community Coffee morning, we have come up with lots of ideas for improving our own gardens and Ockham as a whole. There are also many opportunities for participation and resources to share. Please join the whatsapp group for more information
- The new Vehicle Activated Sign for speed awareness has been ordered and we hope to have it up in Old Lane soon. We know that Old Lane traffic remains a huge problem.
- Cllr Sonjia Moran is leading our Memorial Garden initiative. If you want to feed in any ideas, please contact Sonjia on
Please contact the Parish Clerk with enquiries
Mrs Alyson Blackwell – email: