acorns and oak leaves

News from Ockham Parish Council June 2023

  • We have pleasure in welcoming Councillor Becky Neish to Ockham Parish Council.


  • Wisley Action Group (WAG) together with Ockham Parish Council have been accepted as a Rule 6 party for the Taylor Wimpey Appeal (more on this below). This will ensure that we will see all the Appeal documents and information and will have an opportunity to participate productively in the Appeal process.


  • The Former Wisley Airfield is not a sustainable site and fails to meet planning law in multiple ways. Taylor Wimpey’s application 22/P/01175 for 1700+ homes on an area of natural greenspace (90% green), will have a negative impact on local ecology, local roads, flood risk, local services (schools, education, sewage provision).  Please write to the Planning Inspectorate: using reference: APP/Y3615/W/23/3320175 advising of your objection to their proposal. Email if you would like some pointers for your objection letter.

VAWNT Meeting at East Horsley Village Hall – Thursday 15th June at 7 pm

Villages Against Wisley New Town will be updating the local community on the latest news regarding Former Wisley Airfield (FWA) in light of the Appeal Taylor Wimpey have put forward against non determination of application 22/P/01175 by Guildford Borough Council.  Please do attend if you can.




Please contact the Parish Clerk with enquiries

Mrs Alyson Blackwell  – email: