News from Ockham Parish Council July 2023
- Great news! You will have heard that GBC Planning Committee refused application 22/P/01175 for Former Wisley Airfield when they met on Monday 10th This was in line with the GBC Planning Officer’s recommendation. However, as you know, the application now goes forward to Appeal in September 2023 (as Taylor Wimpey applied for an Appeal due to non determination some weeks ago).
- To participate in the Appeal process, OPC together with WAG and RHS make up a Rule 6 party. VAWNT (Villages Against Wisley New Town), West & East Horsley Parish Councils and Send & Ripley Parish Councils will also participate as Rule 6 Parties. There is a lot to do but we have a strong case and thanks to the many experts in planning, air quality, ecology and traffic, we are currently working on our detailed evidence.
- If you are able to contribute to the WAG fighting fund, the details are as follows: ACCOUNT NAME: Wisley Action Group, SORT CODE: 20 35 35, ACCOUNT NO: 10574287
- The National Highways work on M25J10/A3 continues and is proving to be very challenging for us all. If you experience any problems as a result of the roadworks – traffic queues, delays etc, please report these to noting in the subject of your email that your complaint relates to M25J10A3 works. We want NH to know how very impactful their works are on the local community. You may have heard that there are very many more trees to be felled in September. We are investigating this to see if there is anything we can do to prevent this happening. NH have told us the trees are to come down for enhancement works.
- It may not have rained much recently, but we are aware that local flooding is a huge problem after rainfall. Cllr Neish and Cllr Shepherdly are in the process of setting up a local Flood Forum. More information to come soon.
- We are keen to restart Speed Watch and need more volunteers to support this please. If you can help, please let us know: Please report any HGVs you see on Ockham Lane or Old Lane through SCC HGV Watch. If the HGV can demonstrate that they have a legitimate right to use our weight restricted lanes, this is permitted but many do not have any right to do so. Use this link: You will need a photo to log the report. Use this link to report any overhanging vegetation, pavement works, long grass on verges to SCC:
- Following the May elections, we have 3 new ward councillors for Lovelace and Send. Cllr Pat Oven from Guildford Greenbelt Group has so far attended all our parish meetings and is taking an active interest in our area. Our grateful thanks to Pat.
Please contact our Parish Clerk with enquiries: