acorns and oak leaves

News from Ockham Parish Council September 2023

Wisley Action Group (WAG) together with Ockham Parish Council and the RHS are a Rule 6 party for the Taylor Wimpey Appeal against non determination of their application 22/P/01175 by Guildford Borough Council.  The Inquiry starts on Tuesday 26th September at 10 am at the Baptist Church in Millmead.  VAWNT (also a R6 party) will be sending out the details about the Inquiry. Please do attend if you can.  The Inspector is aware that there are in excess of 1400 objections but a crowd on the first day in particular, will help to reinforce the level of local opposition.


WAG, with the support of OPC and VAWNT, are fund raising to help pay for all the professional expert help required. Your donations are much appreciated and will help enormously. Account name: Wisley Airfield Action Group, sort code: 20 35 35, account number: 10574287 (or by cheque delivered to Helen Jefferies, Alms Heath Cottage). Very many thanks for all donations.



Please contact the Parish Clerk with enquiries

Mrs Alyson Blackwell  – email: