News from Ockham Parish Council January 2022
- The Parish Council together with OHRA recently met with the Police at Ockham Bites car park. At our request, the police have agreed to become more actively involved in ‘making the location a safe, clean space for all to enjoy’. Please help by reporting allanti social behaviour you notice on the commons – including litter which is not put safely into the rubbish bins provided. The most efficient way to place a report is online using this link:
Alternatively, you can report via facebook: please click the message button on the Surrey Police Facebook page.
The more active we all are about reporting anti social behaviour, the more the police will be able to do.
Obviously do not put yourself in danger at any time.
- Ockham Parish Council have a new website.
Please note the councillors’ new email addresses.
- Ockham Parish Council are looking for a new parish councillor. For further details please look at the OPC website.
- GBC are running a consultation – Local Plan: Development Management Policies. OPC will be submitting in due course and you may want to submit a comment yourself:
- Natural England are conducting a boundary review for the AONB. Deadline 31stJanuary 2022. OHRA will be sending out information shortly on behalf of OPC on how you can participate. We would welcome your involvement please.
Please contact the Parish Clerk with enquiries
Mrs Alyson Blackwell – email: